Released 2019-04-28
  • 0000054: [PDB/CodeView] incorrect range handling evaluating variables by name (spx)
  • 0000064: [UI] re-add ability to stop/resume individual threads or all threads to the thread table (spx)
  • 0000071: [UI] show address of array elements next to the array index in expression table (spx)
  • 0000029: [Expressions/Watchpoints] anonymous members in autocomplete dialog (spx)
  • 0000060: [UI] stacktrace table only uses rip for row highlighting (spx)
  • 0000057: [UI] option to expand a certain depth of compound types in variable tooltips (spx)
  • 0000051: [UI] do not show variable tooltips for plain literals (spx)
  • 0000056: [Expressions/Watchpoints] missing curly brace when printing string pointer (spx)
  • 0000045: [UI] ability to have multiple pinned expressions (spx)
  • 0000063: [UI] expressions not updating when changing focus without confirming using return (spx)
  • 0000062: [UI] changing the order of table columns can leave 2 columns being dragged (spx)
  • 0000061: [UI] crash when making all table columns invisible and enabling one column (spx)
  • 0000047: [UI] change variable tooltip when moving the mouse over a different expression on the same line (spx)
  • 0000046: [UI] moving the mouse can cause the variable tooltip to be recreated with the same content (spx)
14 issues View Issues